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WGIN Award 2024 - Submission extended to 15 July
This prestigious competition aims to celebrate and recognize excellence in the field of building integrated greening and other green infrastructure projects, as well as associated academic research, student work, and policy.
“The World Green Infrastructure Awards provide a global platform to showcase the incredible innovation and impact happening in green infrastructure design, development, and research,” said Professor Manfred Koehler (President, WGIN).
The competition will recognize excellence across six key categories:
- Green Roofs: Celebrating exemplary vegetated roof projects.
- Green Walls: Honoring outstanding green façades, living walls, and other building-integrated greening solutions.
- Green Neighborhood Scale and On-grade Projects: Recognizing urban landscape projects that incorporate multifunctional vegetative planting and design.
- Green Infrastructure Policy: Highlighting excellence in public or private sector policies that promote best practices and accelerate the uptake of urban green infrastructure.
- Green Infrastructure Research and Academic Work: Acknowledging performance and excellence in green infrastructure-related research and academic projects.
- Green Infrastructure Student Posters: Recognizing innovative ideas and projects from students in the green infrastructure field.
Nominations may be submitted until July 15, 2024,through the official World Green Infrastructure Awards website at Winners will be selected by an international jury of experts and announced at the awards ceremony taking place during the World Green Infrastructure Congress on September 3rd-5th, 2024, in Auckland, New Zealand
“We encourage all those working towards a greener, more sustainable future to consider submitting their exceptional projects, policies, and research for this year’s awards,” added Aslan Jonoubi (Chair, 2024 Awards Working Group).
For more information about the World Green Infrastructure Awards 2024 and to submit a nomination, please visit
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